1. Commands


Installing Modules
  1. Figure out what operating system your server is: Windows, Linux, or Linux using AMD64 (64bit).
  2. Download the module corresponding to your OS, normally modules follow the following naming scheme:
    module_amxx.dll - Windows
    module_amxx_i386.so - Linux
    module_amxx_amd64.so - Linux, AMD64.
  3. Place the file in addons\amxmodx\modules\
  4. Add the module's name to addons\amxmodx\configs\modules.ini. You should use the full file name, although AMX Mod X supports notation like this for multiple server configurations:
    ;auto-detct OS
  5. Follow any additional instructions the module author has. Then restart the server.
  6. To see if the module is working, you can type in your server console:
    amxx modules

Removing Modules
Default Modules
Module Name Purpose
fun_amxx General functions for changing game values.
engine_amxx More advanced functions for getting and setting values in the HL engine.
fakemeta_amxx Expert/advanced functions for manipulating, hooking, and calling functions in the HL engine.
mysql_amxx, pgsql_amxx, mssql_amxx MySQL (all platforms), PgSQL (all platforms except AMD64), and MS-SQL (Windows only) scripting functions.
geoip_amxx Functions for finding countries by IP address.
array_amxx Functions for somewhat-dynamic arrays.
sockets_amxx Functions for socket (TCP/UDP) control and manipulation.
regex_amxx Functions for regular expression support.


If a module does not load, you are pretty much stuck for options. The most you can do is contact the module author or attempt to modify/compile the source code on your own system.

To troubleshoot why a module might not load on Linux, you can use the supplied "dlsym" or "dlsym64" (for AMD64) program.

Log into your linux server using SSH and use something like:
cd  hlds_l/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting
chmod +x dlsym
./dlsym ../modules/module_amxx_i386.so

If you get a successful load/handle, the module should be loading correctly. To be safest, post on the AMX Mod X forums or contact the module author.