1. Plugins


Installing Plugins
  1. Follow any directions the plugin author has given you. If the plugin requires extra steps or special files, make sure you have them in the proper place and order.
  2. If you are given a .sma source file, you must compile it. Click here to find out how to compile plugins.
  3. Place the plugin's .amxx file in the addons\amxmodx\plugins folder.
  4. Add the plugin's name to addons\configs\plugins.ini. Example:
  5. Restart the server or change maps. If the plugin has any load errors, see below.

Removing Plugins
Default Plugins
Plugin Name Purpose
admin.amxx Administration Base
admin_sql.amxx Administration Base for SQL. Use only one base.
admincmd.amxx Basic administration commands (such as kick/slap).
adminhelp.amxx Help for admin commands.
adminslots.amxx Slot reservation.
multilingual.amxx Multi-Lingual client configuration.
menufront.amxx Front-end for admin menus.
cmdmenu.amxx Command menu for settings.
plmenu.amxx Player menu commands (kick, ban, etc).
telemenu.amxx Teleport Menu (fun module required).
mapsmenu.amxx Maps menu (vote, changeleve, etc).
adminchat.amxx Console-based chat commands.
antiflood.amxx Prevents clients from flooding the say chat.
scrollmsg.amxx Displays a scrolling message.
imessage.amxx Displays a centered, timed information message.
adminvote.amxx Voting commands.
nextmap.amxx Displays next map in the mapcycle.
mapchooser.amxx Allows players to vote for the next map.
timeleft.amxx Displays time left on the current map.
pausecfg.amxx Allows pausing/unpausing of plugins.
statscfg.amxx Configuration of statistical plugins.


Q: What does "function not found" mean?

A: Your plugin requires a module which you have not enabled. Make sure you followed the plugin author's instructions. If there were none supplied, you can use these methods to find the module you need to enable: Look at the plugin's source code (.sma file). There will be lines like this:
  #include <amxmodx>
  #include <amxmisc>
  #include <engine>
  #include <fakemeta>
These last two lines mean "Engine module" and "Fakemeta module".
Also, some modern plugins will have sections like this:
  public plugin_modules()
These each correspond to one module that must be enabled.

Lastly, you can see if the function is in the scripting database at http://www.amxmodx.org/funcwiki.php
If all of these options fail, search the forums or contact the plugin developer.

Q: What does "module required for plugin" mean?
A: This means you do not have the specified module enabled. As the error says, you should open addons\amxmodx\configs\modules.ini and enable it.

Q: What does "Run time error ... debug not enabled" mean?
A: This means an internal error occured in the plugin. To enable debug mode, you can do one of two things:
  1. Change the "amx_debug" cvar in amxx.cfg to one of the following values:
    0 - No debugging
    1 - See option 2 below
    2 - All plugins in debug mode
  2. Change the entry in addons\amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini to have debug enabled. For example, change something
myplugin.amxx debug
You should the contact the plugin author with the debug output when the error occurs again.

Q: I am a plugin developer. How can I use the debugging system?
A: See the scripting section for more information on this.

Porting AMX Mod Plugins
In order to port AMX Mod plugins to AMX Mod X, you should first try simply recompiling them. Many function names have changed so you can't run them directly. If the compilation is successful, but the plugin doesn't work, read on.

If the re-compilation or plugin did not work, you must assess the source code.
If you do complete a successful port, you should have the author's permission before distributing it. If you do distribute it, you must use the GNU General Public License as the plugins are linked to AMX Mod X.

Compiling Plugins


Place the .sma source file in addons\amxmodx\scripting.
Method 1: Quick
  1. Drag the .sma file onto "compile.exe".
  2. Look in the compiled folder for the output .amxx file.
Method 2: Compile All (Quick)
  1. Double click compile.exe to compile all plugins into the compiled folder.
Method 3: Command Line
  1. Go to Start, Run, type "cmd", click Ok.
  2. Use cd to change to the directory, I.e.:
      cd c:\hlserver\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting
  3. Use amxxsc to compile the plugin:
      amxxsc.exe myplugin.sma
  4. The output will be in the same folder.

Copy or move the .sma file into addons/amxmodx/scripting.
Then change the directory to the scripting folder with:
  cd addons/amxmodx/scripting

Method 1: Compile all
  1. Run the script compile.sh by either:
      sh compile.sh
      chmod +x compile.sh
Method 2: Compile single
  1.   ./amxxsc myplugin.sma
    The output will be in the same folder.