Metamod 1.19 Official Released Apr 18, 2006 07:27
I'm pleased to announce that the official branch of Metamod 1.19 is finally available for download. This release will allow you to run AMX Mod X 1.71 on the official Metamod platform.

To download the binaries, visit


- Added support for new HLSDK API functions QueryClientCvarValue2() and ClientCvar2().
- Added GET_HOOK_TABLES() to let plugins make interceptable engine/dll calls.
- Added MAKE_REQUEST_ID() to assist plugins in generating request ids for QueryClientCvarValue2().
- Added mod support for Move In! 1.0, and Special Death Match Alpha 2.0.
- Fixed a bug where Windows DLL load failures produced an empty message.
- Fixed a bug where plugins could not catch NewDLL calls for GameDLLs that do not provide NewDLL information.
- Fixed a bug corrupting memory when using Metamod with engines or game dlls with a different interface than the one compiled against, e.g. older engines.
.: by BAILOPAN 25 comments

AMX Mod X 1.71 Released, Contest Extension Apr 02, 2006 23:41
I'm pleased to announce that AMX Mod X 1.71 is released. This is a bugfix release targeted at the few major issues found from 1.70. The biggest new feature added is "Binary Logging", a powerful solution for scripters who need assistance tracking down crashing problems.

Get 1.71 at the new and improved downloads page:

Also, since a few people asked for natives/fixes directly related to the Obfuscated Coding Contest, I'm gonna extend it by a week to April 9th! If you like writing bad code, you've still got time!

Lastly, my apologies to any Gabe Newells we offended with our April Fool's Joke. Note: No Gabe Newells were harmed during that production.

AMX Mod X 1.71 Changelog:

- Added plugin optimizer tweaking to core.ini.
- Added new "binary logging" feature for serious debugging. Note that this requires a "Binary Logging" compiled version of AMX Mod X (downloaded separately).
- Improved HUD synchronization algorithm (both in efficiency and fluidity).
- Removed "languages.dat" and "dictionary.cache" file. Language files are now parsed and cached at load in memory only. Furthermore, the files are only reparsed on changes.
- Menus with no pages or one page are no longer paginated.
- Added rmdir, getc, ungetc, and putc natives.
- Added arrayset native (for clearing large arrays quickly).
- Added "Skip HLTV" flag to get_players.
- Added ClientUserInfoChanged forward to Fakemeta.
- Added more string compatibility to Fakemeta.
- Added advanced keyvaluedata and traceresult manipulation to Fakemeta.
- Added global data retrieval to Fakemeta.
- Added menu_cancel native.
- Added HUD sync points to all stats scripts to avoid HUD overlapping.
- Updated GEOIP library to April.
- Fixed plmenu not killing players on teamswitch.
- Fixed adminslots not working.
- Fixed a bug where native handlers wouldn't work in rare cases.
- Fixed amxx_logging mode 2 not working.
- Fixed crash bug with plugin optimizer on AMD K6 processors.
- Fixed dir_exists not working in Windows.
- Fixed ExecuteForward not returning results properly.
- Fixed armoury entity natives on Linux (thanks AndraX2000).
- Fixed many weapons in TFCX not logging hit areas at all.
- Fixed stack corruption bugs in miscstats (cstrike).
- Fixed hud problems in miscstats (cstrike) by adding more HUD sync points.
- Fixed scrollmsg showing a "delayed movement" scroller.
- Fixed a bug in the "split" stock.
- Fixed a few (potentinal) bugs in studio and updated every 3rd party component
- Fixed amx_addadmin having wrong access level (thanks Twisted).
.: by BAILOPAN 61 comments

Notice from Valve Mar 31, 2006 23:11
Today we were contacted by Valve's Legal Department. In short, they sent us a Cease and Insist letter. They're insisting that we stop taking Gaben so lightly.

After fighting the case for many minutes, we came to an agreeable conclusion. Henceforth, we will be calling "AMX Mod X" as "Gaben Mod X". Furthermore, our goal is to put the Sacred Image of Gaben in as many places as we possibly can.

We hope Gaben's inspiring visage will make us all, in turn, better people.

.: by BAILOPAN 56 comments

Obfuscated Coding Contest Mar 20, 2006 16:19
While we're finishing up beta testing on 1.71 and getting ready to launch the official server, on IRC we came up with the idea to have an Obfuscated Coding Contest, similar to this one.

What's an obfuscated coding contest? The idea is to write the nastiest plugin you possibly can. The code has to be as unreadable, unfriendly, and as original and creative as possible. After all the work we put into making sure people become better programmers, here's your chance to write terrible code!

The contest will run for two weeks, meaning we'll choose winners after April 3rd, so have your submission in by April 2nd. We're disqualifying ourselves (the developers) so it's a fair contest. The official rules:
  • Your plugin must do something -- it doesn't have to be necessarily useful, but it can't just be empty code.
  • You can abuse the preprocessor in any way, but you cannot use custom/3rd party includes, and likewise you cannot use 3rd party/custom modules.
  • Your plugin must compile and run on AMX Mod X 1.70+ with less than 10 warnings, and no errors. It should be under 8KB of source text.
  • Your plugin can run on any mod, and it can use natives from any official module.
  • You can submit any number of entries, but each one must be original work.
  • Your plugin cannot be malicious (exploit clients, exploit servers, etc - at our discretion).
  • Submit your entries to [email][email protected][/email] as a zip file containing the plugin source code (as a .sma) and a text file containing your name, description, comments, and any other remarks you would like to add. In short, we need the source code, how to run it, and what it will do.
  • We'll be looking for creativity in obfuscation as well as what your plugin actually does within its limitations and design.
  • Addendum - You can rely on up to five configuration files (binary or text) that you supply in your zip file. None of them can exceed the size of your plugin.

Good luck! In two weeks we'll go through the submissions, pick three winners, and give out rewards of sorts.

Need an example of "obfuscated code"? Here's a quick, terrible way to register a plugin:

#define G(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5) %3%1%4%5%2
#define dotcom ()
@plugin_init dotcom
G(egis,cmd,r,ter,_cl)("terrible", "1.0", "bail")

Thanks to crazy twistedeuphoria for coming up with this crazy idea.
.: by BAILOPAN 52 comments

Two Year Anniversary?! Mar 08, 2006 00:16
Two years ago today, we released a AMX Mod X Version 0.1.

After AMX Mod was deemed abandoned, SniperBeamer and a small band of developers set out to continue Half-Life's most popular administration plugin. Two years later, we've come pretty far -- from a set of patches to AMX Mod 0.9.6j to a massive overhaul which has overtaken the administration and gameplay scene.

Lines of code (in total): 83,000
Lines of code (core): 39,000
Plugins: >1,000
Natives: >950
Servers: ~12,000

Counter-Strike 1.6 continues to be the strongest Valve game. Every year people predict Half-Life 1's death, and every month people continue to say that Counter-Strike: Source will overtake CS 1.6. It's anyone's guess as to what will actually happen, but for the lifetime of Counter-Strike 1.6, we will continue to improve and fix bugs in AMX Mod X.

With that said, I'd like to throw out a little timeline for the what's in store for the future.
  • Official Server - Yes, we'll still have an official server running a home-brewn CS 1.6 mod. This will happen sometime in the next week.
  • 1.71 - There will be a 1.71 release this month to clean up the few issues found in 1.70.
  • New Forums - We've hinted to this before, and I'd like to verify that it will happen. We're moving to vBulletin but keeping a phpBB style theme. We've outgrown phpBB, and need to redo some features of the site (such as plugin moderation, karma, and lack of support system).
  • Something Else - We've dropped even more subtle hints at some larger, upcoming changes. In the not too distant future we'll be redoing the site+logo and opening the door to new development. Part of this plan includes revitalizing our sister project, SourceMod, the port of AMX Mod X to Half-Life 2, and tying into other projects like Metamod:Source better.

It's been a great two years, and as always, I'd like to thank the community for helping to make this project as successful as it has been. Without the support and contributions of developers, forum-goers, moderators, and donors, we wouldn't be here today. I think I speak for everyone on the dev team when I say: we're looking forward to doing much more!
.: by BAILOPAN 53 comments

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