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Date: 10/08/2024, 09:10:36
Global servers: 24313

Statistics for: HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin
Total Servers: 131, having 3280 max players.
Total Players: 805, at 24.54% capacity (366 bots not included)
Player/Server Ratio: 6.15 players per server

Addon Game Mod Servers % of Mod
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Counter-Strike 101 0.44%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Half-Life Deathmatch 9 0.90%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin The Specialists 5 22.73%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Day of Defeat 4 4.94%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Team Fortress Classic 3 3.00%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Opposing Force 2 8.00%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Firearms 1 33.33%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Deathmatch Classic 1 4.55%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Natural Selection 1 7.14%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Ricochet 1 7.14%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Condition Zero 1 5.26%
HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin Science and Industry 1 25.00%

Variable Value Servers
hlxce_plugin_version 1.6.19 (HL1) 90
hlxce_plugin_version 1.6.18 (HL1) 13
hlxce_plugin_version (HL1) 8
hlxce_plugin_version 1.6.15 (HL1) 6
hlxce_plugin_version 1.8.1 (HL1) 5
hlxce_plugin_version 1.7.0 (HL1) 4
hlxce_plugin_version 1.6.13 (HL1) 2
hlxce_plugin_version 1.6.19 (HL1)-v0.0.9 2
hlxce_plugin_version 1.6.19 (HL1)-v1.9.13 1

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