Function | Description |
TrieCreate | Creates a hash map. A hash map is a container that maps strings (called keys) to arbitrary values (cells, arrays or strings). |
TrieClear | Clears all entries from a Map. |
TrieSetCell | Sets a cell value in a hash map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one. |
TrieSetString | Sets a string value in a hash map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one. |
TrieSetArray | Sets an array value in a hash map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one. |
TrieGetCell | Retrieves a cell value from a hash map. |
TrieGetString | Retrieves a string from a hash map. |
TrieGetArray | Retrieves a string from a hash map. |
TrieDeleteKey | Removes an entry from a hash map. |
TrieKeyExists | Checks a hash map for the existence of an entry. |
TrieDestroy | Destroys a hash map and frees its memory. |
TrieGetSize | Returns the number of entries in a hash map. |
TrieSnapshotCreate | Creates a snapshot of all keys in a hash map. If the map is changed afterwards, the changes are not reflected in the snapshot. Keys are not sorted. |
TrieSnapshotLength | Returns the number of keys in a map snapshot. Note that this may be different from the size of the map, since the map can change after the snapshot of its keys was taken. |
TrieSnapshotKeyBufferSize | Returns the buffer size required to store a given key. That is, it returns the length of the key plus one. |
TrieSnapshotGetKey | Retrieves the key string of a given key in a map snapshot. |
TrieSnapshotDestroy | Destroys a map snapshot and frees its memory. |
TrieIterCreate | Creates an iterator for a map. It provides iterative read-only access to the maps contents. |
TrieIterEnded | Returns if the iterator has reached its end and no more data can be read. |
TrieIterNext | Advances the iterator to the next key/value pair if one is available. |
TrieIterGetKey | Retrieves the key the iterator currently points to. |
TrieIterGetSize | Retrieves the number of elements in the underlying map. |
TrieIterGetCell | Retrieves a value at the current position of the iterator. |
TrieIterGetString | Retrieves a string at the current position of the iterator. |
TrieIterGetArray | Retrieves an array at the current position of the iterator. |
TrieIterDestroy | Destroys an iterator handle. |
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